Sunday, April 18, 2010

An email

I received another email from a regular reader of my blog(this really surprise me) from HongKong. She is an American but based in HongKong working in a popular company. She told me that during her freetime and if she feels so sad , she sees to it to read blogs about many things that concerns relationships, family and other aspects that concerns the reality of life.. She included my site as a regular blogsite which she follows. She also linked me to her blog..She told me that she was also surprise reading my blogs because she sees herself in me in dealing with things and in some situations. As I read her blogs, I got awed also because I can also see myself in her blog features and opinions about many things. . Thanks Ms. Gee for this opportunity knowing you and for reaching out to me. We know that this started of as a hobby but the gratification that we felt is priceless... Again thanks .
(pic above our son in Sea World)

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